Wiltshire-based airport equipment manufacturer, Jetting Systems, has recently provided a new runway rubber removal system to Kualanamu International Airport, near Medan, Indonesia.
Opened in 2013, Kualanamu International Airport is the second largest airport in Indonesia, and will eventually have a capacity of 50 million passengers/year. The airport currently has a single 3750m runway, two taxiways and 13,700 m2 of apron and cargo area.
The Osprey LA2200 that has been purchased by airport operator, PT Angkasa Pura II, removes the rubber deposits left on the runways by landing aircraft, which reduce the grip available to other aircraft. The vehicles are also used quickly and efficiently remove paint and clean ground-based airfield lights.
Pictured right: Simon Carling, welcoming Mr Johanes Sie, Owner and the team from our partner in Indonesia, PT Trikarya Abadi Prima.