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A stock vehicle is available for immediate dispatch. The Harrier 26 is built on a 2016 MAN chassis and features a Raptor D line marking removal vehicle and on-board garage with Safe Deployment System.

Ultra-high pressure hydroblasting

Low environmental impact with all debris collected during operation.

Complete paint removal

Returns painted surfaces to their original state

Innovative jet head design

Minimises ghost markings

Designed around safety

Providing a safe environment for both operators and the public

Key features

Jetting Head300mm diameter suction cover with choice of 150mm – 300mm jet heads
Jet head rotationHydraulically driven with speed adjustment for ultimate control
Umbilical hoseSupplied with 10m UHP and debris recovery hoses
Debris recovery boom180 degree rotation, radio controlled and from cab and external control panels
WarrantiesChassis supplied with 24 month MAN TopUsed warranty and Jetting Systems components with 12 month parts warranty
ChassisMAN TGS 26.320 6 x 2
Power take-off (PTO)All drive power is taken from the main chassis engine and distributed to the main components
Ultra-high pressure pump2,500 bar normal working pressure, 28 l/min flow rate
Debris recovery system200-400 mbar vacuum, 500 cfm flow rate (free air flow)
Fresh water capacity6,750 litres
Debris water capacity8,100 litres
Raptor StorageSWL 1,100kg Safe Deployment System from onboard storage garage

Find out more

For more information and vehicle specifications, please send us a message or call  +44 (0) 1725 514 873.